Want to be part of the staff of a print and online publication for Gen Z? Share your voice and connect and collaborate with young creatives from around the world when you join the Velvet Fields staff! This is a perfect way to network with other creatives and get your foot in the door of careers in the arts. Positions on staff also look good on college, scholarship and job applications! Staff members work on creating content for our website and social media as well as putting together our print projects. *general staff is a volunteer opportunity only and not a paid position.*
Business manager- Handling day to day operations at Velvet Fields. This includes helping to manage our online store (sales, tracking inventory, sending digital purchases, etc.) budget planning, fundraising and scheduling.
Music Editor- Being the music expert of VF! You will be in charge of running our Spotify account (curating playlists, getting playlists from people on the staff) making and editing music content for the website/print issues (album reviews, music analysis, musician interviews etc.) and finding up and coming musicians for us to work with.
Creative Director- Being in charge of the look and aesthetic of VF! You will be responsible for running our Pinterest account, editing our print issues from a design stand point, establishing color palettes and themes, designing content for our social media, overseeing graphic design/art/photography projects, selecting submissions and finding artists for us to collaborate with and recruit to join the team.
Politics and Activism Editor- This position involves creating and editing politics/activism content for the website/print issues, gathering resources and information about current events around the world, finding ways to make VF more socially conscious and a place for people to get accurate and helpful information to make real change.
Fashion and Beauty editor- Be our beauty and fashion expert! This includes creating and editing fashion/beauty content for the website and print issues, Finding small brands for us to collaborate with, finding ways to involve fashion and beauty into the day to day operations at VF.
Social media assistant- Help us run our social media accounts! This includes creating content for our instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok account, interacting with other accounts and helping us stay active online, coming up with social media campaigns, and overall improving VF's social media presence.
Copy editor- This position is editing writing content for the website and print issues and working with writers to create stronger pieces.
Head graphic Designer- Design content for our social media, help design spreads for print issues, edit issues from a design standpoint, give direction to other graphic designers on the staff.
Website editor- managing, updating and running the website, improving the website design and making it more interactive.
Staff Coordinator- Managing our staff and organizing our publication. This includes coordinating staff involvement in projects, managing spreadsheets, keeping track of staff involvement, etc.